24 March 2009 por califato


Escrito en Poesias | 3 Comments »

3 Responses

  1. Bernadet Didier Says:

    Je connaissais le lawyer, le spécialiste du droit de l’Espace et le fin philosophe,l’admirateur et ardent serviteur du Monde Méditerranéen; je découvre le poète Castillan qui exprime la beauté et la tendresse de l’homme.

  2. Rodrigo Rau Mora Says:

    Que dichosa Maria Dolores!! I agree with the French lady who wrote her comment. It is very interesting to find the lights reflecting from the many facets of a gifted person.

  3. yara Says:

    I like it has deep sense and decorate poem very romantic associations, which makes this poem very sensible.

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